sábado, agosto 27, 2011

Miss Universo no Túnel do Tempo - 60's

Uma bela grega, Kiriaki Tsopei, venceu o MIss Universo. Ao contrário de várias Misses anteriores, ela resolveu ser atriz e foi para Hollywood!
Sim! Afrodite vive!

USA, 1964: A beautiful Greek named Kiriaki Tsopei won the Miss Universe. Unlike many previous queens, she decided to be an actress and went on to Hollywood!
Yes Aphrodite lives!

Num momento de relax, quatro européias posam para os fotógrafos em Miami Beach.
Da esq para dir: Suiça (Jeannette Biffiger), Inglaterra (Jennifer Summers), França (Elizabeth Cadren), Holanda (Nathalie Heyl)
Inglaterra e França chegaram às finais; Holanda e Suíça não!

In a relaxing moment, four European girls pose for photographers in Miami Beach.
From left to right: Switzerland (Jeannette Biffiger), England (Jennifer Summers), France (Elizabeth Cadren), Holland (Nathalie Heyl)
England and France made the top 15; Netherlands and Holland did not!

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Anônimo disse...

England and France made the top 15; Netherlands and Holland did not!

Netherlands and Holland are the same country!!! Perhaps Netherlands is Miss Switzerland, the girl of the lef in the photo...